Our 236 acre farm, nestled in the Appalachian mountains of western New York state, has been in our family for over 150 years.
In all that time, we have never used pesticides, herbicides or artificial fertilizers to grow our crops. Each generation has farmed with a respect and reverence for the cycles of nature and worked in harmony with them, instilling that belief as a mission for the next.
We have always loved to plant and grow. My great grandfather planted the most delicate pink cabbage roses in the late 1800’s that still flourish today. In fact, many plantings from generations past still stand, from heritage apples and elderberries to vast swatches of mint and lemon balm.
Growing and Wildcrafting herbs was a natural choice for us and we’re just getting started!
We are happy you’re here!
If you have any questions about any of our products, please just ask. You can email us at info@thegoodherbco.com and we would love to hear from you!
~And please check out our natural honey website: